Online Registration for 2020 is now CLOSED. Don't worry, we still have space and you can register for workshops when you arrive at the event! Please arrive at 8:30am so that you will have time to get signed up before workshops begin.
About Girls Rock!
Girls Rock! is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program offered to all girls age 9-13 in Southern Oregon. Over the past thirteen years, over 1,975 girls have attended and enjoyed Girls Rock!
Research has shown that the middle-school years are pivotal for girls. By seventh grade, many girls are ambivalent about STEM fields, and by the end of high school, fewer girls than boys plan to pursue STEM in college. Women with a college degree in STEM earned 33 percent more than comparable women in non-STEM jobs. Yet many girls do not even know that these careers are available to them, or think they are not “smart enough” to pursue them.
Girls Rock! encourages girls to solve problems that demonstrate how STEM is used in everyday life. They build, take apart, put together, and test their handiwork while learning in a fun, non-judgmental setting. The Girls Rock! event offers hands-on workshops designed to actively engage girls in the learning process and spark their interest in STEM. Many of the workshops are led by women, allowing the girls to see professional role models in non-traditional positions.
The coalition of AAUW, Soroptimist, and Zonta organize this event free to the girls and their accompanying adult. Breakfast and lunch are provided, and all materials are free. Girls take their hand-made projects home, to encourage further experimenting and interest.